How social media platforms are helping businesses grow

How social media platforms are helping businesses grow

Covid-19 has changed the way the world works. Events, exhibitions, road shows are on standstill. Even the giant MNCs and reputed brands have suffered losses. Surviving the pandemic has been a huge challenge.

But as humans, we thrive on hope. Businesses are exploring innovative ways of boosting their bottom line. In this ‘work from home’ and ‘restricted office presence’ days, what is helping the small and medium businesses is their social media presence.

Various social media platforms are helping businesses reach out and grow. Recently the social media have added new utility based features specially designed for small businesses. Some platforms have even started virtual classes for small businesses to succeed.


For reaching out to prospective customers Facebook is the ideal social media. It also helps to create business awareness and to build a strong online “BRAND“. Considering the increasing consumer time, Facebook has introduced new features and functionalities for small businesses.

‘Shops’ is a new feature introduced by Facebook. It enables display and product sales. This digital storefront is highly useful for retailers who have had to close their shops or showrooms. Facebook has also added new options for creating personal fundraisers, promoting digital gift cards and ready-made post templates etc.

You Tube

You Tube Videos are very effective to convey the desired messages to wide audiences. The pandemic has put restrictions on in-person video shoots, interviews, outdoor shoots etc. In these cases, the You Tube videos are a good choice.

You Tube’s feature- ‘Video Builder Tool’- allows small enterprises to create video content free of cost. These videos are then integrated with the Googles Ads program, thus sending them to target viewership.


Stories on Instagram are a current rage. This social media is dynamic and vibrant. Instagram is a great tool to create individual or company’s brand stories. Instagram has many user friendly features that help give gift cards, place online food orders and fundraisers. The ‘Stickers’ feature helps users to tap on a sticker and promote a card. It also helps them to even make a purchase.


LinkedIn is great networking and business expansion platform. LinkedIn is offering free courses for entrepreneurs to empower them to face financial challenges of the current situation.

In short, social media platforms are helping business to reach out to the target customers, to strengthen the bond with existing customers, to streamline online business and to aim for expansion.

In short, social media platforms are helping business to reach out to the target customers, to strewn at WDSoft Pune develop strategies for successful social media marketing and design creatives for the process. We help our clients take their vision forward and gain from the optimum use of social media.

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