How to keep your mental health during Work from Home?

How to keep your mental health during Work from Home?

The new normal has initiated many new working equations. The most prominent among them is Work from Home. Initially, it felt like dream come true. Hectic work schedules and transport hassles took a backseat. The working hours became flexible. Work-life balance improved.

Working from home has certain benefits. But gradually, the cons of the situation also came on the forefront. Some common disadvantages of working from home are

  • Feeling lonely, isolated and unmotivated

  • Loosing connect to colleagues and social life

  • Inability to prioritize your tasks

  • Sleep disorders or insomnia

  • Personal and professional tasks interfering with each other

  • Effect on mental health and well being

For keeping your mental health during lock down you can take various measures. It is a gradual process and if you do it consistently you will get positive results.

Structure your day

Set up a routine like you do while going to office. Define your working hours and take regular breaks. Try to maintain the differentiating line between family time and work. As far as possible stick to your time schedule so that you can maximize both- personal and professional life.

Fix a specific place

Create to a fixed place, specifically designed to facilitate smooth working. Do not switch places. Most importantly, avoid making your bedroom your workplace. It might make you relaxed and sleepy. Identify a place which has sufficient light, air and which will keep you alert and awake.

Be in touch with your colleagues

Stay connected to your co-workers, colleagues and superiors.  Be proactive in calling them or organizing meetings or virtual get-togethers or chatting sessions. It will help you discuss issues, solve problems, share your ideas and have refreshing chats.

Take time out for yourself

Spend some peaceful moments. Switch off your gadgets for some time and do digital detox. Spend quality time with your loved ones. Try to go out at least once a day. Get some fresh air from your balcony or garden. Or just get out and walk for fifteen minutes before you restart your work.

There are some other ways of keeping your mental health as well:

  • Exercise regularly

  • Take sufficient sleep

  • Eat nutritious food

  • Listen to your favourite music

  • Do things you enjoy

  • Spend time with your kids

  • Meditation and relaxation techniques
  • Positive thinking

When you are in good health, work from home can really be enjoyable. Times are challenging. Everyone should overcome these obstacles with help of family, friends and mentors.

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