Advertising for Organic Food Products

About the project







Recently we completed an advertising campaign for an Organic Food business in India. This case study focuses on the challenges faced by our creative team, the solutions crafted and the transformative results for the food business.


About the Organic Food Processing Company

Bastar Farms, situated in the heart of Bastar, Chhattisgarh, INDIA, is a pioneering enterprise specializing in producing premium organic tamarind offerings. Bastar Farms is a brand that works to employ tribal people in Bastar, Chhattisgarh, and empower them. They make wholesome, organic, and delectable products from tamarind sourced from the jungles of Bastar. Their products are hygienically manufactured.

The Organic food-making enterprise joined hands with the WDSOFT Creative Agency to market their brand on social media. They wanted to create and optimize their social media presence. They wanted to showcase their work for tribals on various social media platforms and do advertising for organic food products.


Client's Challenges

The client is a company working in the packaged organic food sector. Their vision is distinct, and they were looking forward to bringing the rooty taste of the land to the world. In a rough market full of packaged food, it was difficult to stand out and let people know about you and the Organic food company faced that problem. It was a challenge for them to be seen in the crowd, where everybody else is established and known to the world. The client needed a precise marketing and advertising strategy that could make it reach beyond its reach. This is when WDSOFT Creative Agency stepped up.


Challenges We Navigated

Our client  - the Organic Food Company, was built with the idea of providing the rooty taste of the land to Indians and giving employment to the tribal people. Our challenge was to make sure that this message reached out to the audience and made people aware of the brand. There were already a lot of established packaged food brands in the market with a stellar social media presence, and it was important to create a social media presence that not only stood out but also grabbed the attention of a lot of people.


Social Media Advertising

Our team of social media marketers got ready to take on this challenge and researched thoroughly about the product and the competitors of the food enterprise. It was new for our team to work on advertising for organic food products. During this research, our team came across various companies in this industry and became aware of the themes they have used and the emotions they have evoked through various creatives on various social media platforms.

Social media is a cost-effective medium of advertising. Today, when everything is digital, instead of creating advertisements through any other media and making them reach a wider audience, it is much easier to make the same thing happen through social media.

Social media has become increasingly important for reputation management. According to a survey, 94% of leaders believe that social media has a positive impact on brand loyalty. By using social media, brands can engage with their audience on a personal level, building genuine and long-lasting relationships that can withstand both positive and negative experiences. In India, there are around 470.1 million active social media users who log in at least once, which is about 33.4% of the addressable population. The reach of social media is much bigger than that of other traditional media.

After this research, our team of creative writers and designers took the next step in building the foundation of advertising for organic food products and their social media presence. It was important to decide on the theme and color palette to maintain the consistency of the creatives of advertising for organic food products. After thorough research on the company and its work, our team decided to portray their work for tribals and advertise organic food products through a blend of creative writing and eye-catching illustrations. Our team of creative designers at WDSOFT Creative Agency created the mood board and the character illustrations to use on the creatives. These illustrations were the characters reflecting the tribal life of the land, and through the catchy storyline, we decided to portray the involvement of the tribal community in the organic food processing industry.

It was important to maintain consistency in all the creatives, but more than that, it was important to consistently post the creatives and update the social media. We decided to create posts of different types, including engaging posts, infographic posts, reels, etc. To start all this, we created the social media calendar, marking the dates on which the social media should get updated with new posts, and the whole team was supposed to finish their work to publish the post on the decided day. The team followed the calendar, worked hard, and sparked the creative instinct to create new posts to maintain consistency while keeping the page fresh.


Outdoor Hoardings and Print Media

Hoardings are highly visible and are seen by many people throughout the day. They provide an excellent opportunity to promote your products and services. Selecting the perfect location for your hoardings can help you reach your target audience more easily and increase brand recognition and awareness.

During this collaboration with the client, they asked us to work with them on print media as well. They wanted to create a market nationwide, but it started with Pune. They wanted to create a poster, hoarding depictions and advertising their work. Apart from Pune, they had decided to appear at an event in Dharamshala, and they asked WDSOFT Creative Agency to create advertising hoarding in Hindi, English, and Marathi. Our team of creative writers and designers decided to maintain the theme and wrote the taglines in different languages to cater to audiences from different cultures. The hoardings were created and displayed at different places, grabbing the attention of a lot of people.


Transformative Results for the Organic Food Business

Social media created an impact on the virtual audience, bringing in a lot of followers and subscribers, while the print media was successful in grabbing the attention of a lot of passersby. Overall, the work by WDSOFT Creative Agency created a unique digital identity for Bastar Farms as well as made it reach places through attractive and eye-catching hoarding and poster designs.


Key USPs of the Organic Food Maker included in the Advertising

Certified Organic Ingredients: Reassure customers that the company only uses certified organic ingredients and does not use synthetic pesticides, herbicides, or genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

Farm-to-Table Transparency: Make sure that the consumer knows that the product is coming directly from the farm and has transparency in the sourcing process. This can create trust among consumers who value knowing where their food comes from.

Nutrient-Rich and Fresh: Tell the audience that the company prioritizes nutrient-rich, fresh produce. Less or no use of artificial preservatives ensures the maximum nutritional value of the product, and emphasizing this to the audience builds trust for the company.

Health Benefits and Well-Being: Highlight the health benefits of the products.

Taste and Culinary Excellence: Emphasizing the tasty flavors of the food to the audience helps market the product, as the conception of organic food is that it is not tasty. 

Community Involvement: If the brand supports local communities or charities, incorporate this into the advertising. Consumers often appreciate businesses that give back to society.