Content Marketing Strategy for IT Companies

Content Marketing Strategy for IT Companies

Content Marketing Strategy for IT Companies

Let’s have a look at the statistics of content marketing. More than 80% of people are online at least once a day, while more than 30% say they spend most of their time online. 91% of B2B marketers are using content marketing to achieve their goals. 86% B2C brands are using content marketing as a major strategy. This is just a glimpse of how content marketing has gained prominent ground for business growth.

Today in the dynamic digital age, the IT companies must go for content marketing. The reasons are multifold. The IT companies or brands need to explain their products, features, and services in a simplified language to non-IT or non-technical users. With proper content marketing the companies can reach the decision makers and engage them in a purposeful way.

The IT companies can have a balanced mix of content marketing tools such as webinars, videos, blogs, social media campaigns, articles, case studies and so on. Before embarking on their content marketing journey, the software companies should chalk out a well-balanced and comprehensive content marketing strategy. Hiring a reputed branding and digital agency will be greatly helpful.

Content Marketing Strategy for a IT Company

Content marketing strategy for an IT company should be backed by logical reasoning related to the company’s business qualities and its sales cycle. It should also be relevant to the leads the IT company is getting. Let’s explore some points to develop an excellent content marketing strategy for software companies.

Understand the target audience

It is essential to know the target customers, their buying patterns, their psyche and decision-making habits and so on. By knowing this, you can develop the content accordingly. Instead of just informing about your latest products or services in a technical language, you can make it interesting and reader-friendly.

Define your goals

You must identify and define, as a IT brand, what you aim at accomplishing through your content marketing campaign. Make it a team exercise and pinpoint your SMART goals- Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant and Timely. Then only you will be able to create a strategy that fetches you results and rewards.

Create unique content

Ensure that your content is more comprehensive than your competitors, and more educating and engaging. The content of your IT product or service should add value to the user in solving problems of making progress. The content should be original and express the voice of your company.

Understand the Buyer’s Journey & Sales Funnel

Every buyer has unique needs and seeks different information. While devising the content marketing strategy for an IT company, understanding the buyer’s journey and sales funnel is crucial. Learn about the process that a potential customer undergoes before making a buying decision. A sales funnel is the process of guiding potential customers to buy through right content. By creating focused content, software companies can attract and convert prospective customers into paying customers.

Allocate Good Resources

If a IT company is looking to run a successful content marketing strategy, it should allocate excellent resources for content conceptualization and production. Writing for a B2B audience is a specialized skill and the resource should be proficient in it. Hiring a reliable digital and branding agency to drive the strategy is the right way ahead.

Measure the results

IT companies or content marketers can use various metrics to measure the leads and conversions. They should avail a tool that gives accurate and useful data. For instance, a good content strategy that optimizes the landing page of a website gets better organic traffic.

Establish your thought leadership

Thought leadership content, such as CEO’s viewpoints, vision and opinions, content pieces on the future of the software industry, success stories, purposeful narratives establish your stature as a thought leader. This increases your credibility and creates a loyal customer base.

Invest in email marketing

Content marketing works in sync with email marketing. Every software company should build its own subscriber list, and email useful content You can also send them automated campaigns containing useful content.

Some Successful Case-Studies of Content Marketing for IT Companies

  • Adobe x Sundance Film Festival Video Series 2023– For Sundance Film Festival, Adobe IT created a series of interviews, behind-the-scenes content with actors, filmmakers, and festival attendees.
  • Google Web Stories– Google enables the users to add Google Web Stories to the backend of their website. Interesting and unique Google Web Stories can be crafted using animations, text, colour, embeds, and captions.
  • Dear Apple Campaign- This is a content marketing campaign by Apple to promote its smartwatch, and its power to save lives. Through a series of videos, Apple introduces real-life scenarios of people in distressing situations showcasing how their Apple Watch helped them overcome the challenge.

At WDSOFT, we possess the knowledge and proficiency for developing and delivering successful content marketing strategies for IT companies. Our content marketing team is equipped with the expertise to plan and execute content strategies tailor-made for the specific needs of different IT companies.

We know the latest trends and best practices in IT content marketing, including search engine optimization (SEO), email and social media marketing, and content creation. WDSOFT understands the unique persona of each IT company, and undertakes a customized approach to design its content marketing strategy. If you are looking for a reputed content marketing partner to take forward your vision and achieve your goals, get in touch with WDSOFT Pune.

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