Corporate Video Marketing Strategy in 2023 with Examples

Corporate Video Marketing Strategy in 2023 with Examples

Corporate Videos can be a B2B “Sales Multiplier” when used effectively. This 30-point guide will help you concoct a robust Corporate Video strategy for your organization. The topics are mentioned below:

  • What is a “Corporate Video”?
  • Benefits
  • Educate the Audience
  • Video vs Textual Content
  • Build Trust
  • Be found in Search Engines
  • Improve Conversions
  • Add Value
  • Social Media Branding
  • Pre-Requisites
  • Understand the Audience
  • Create the Storyboard
  • Introduce your Business
  • Focus on the Problem
  • Focus on the Solution
  • Include a Call-to-Action
  • Types of Corporate Videos
  • Explainer
  • Commercials
  • Webinars
  • VLogs
  • Thought Leadership
  • Company Profile
  • Small Social Media Videos
  • Branding Corporate Videos
  • Informative Videos
  • Testimonials
  • Case Study Videos
  • Distribution Platforms
  • Corporate Videos Dont’s

What is Corporate Video Marketing?

Video is the buzzword of the corporate sector in 2023. Well made corporate videos are a great way to promote and market your brand, products and services. Corporate Videos enhance customer engagement, educate customers and facilitate business growth. B2B/Corporate videos should be content-rich, creatively made and precise in message. These videos should be a part of your integrated marketing strategy.

Benefits of Corporate Videos

Educating the Audience

A corporate [B2B] video is the vital link between a business and its target audience. A Corporate video is greatly beneficial in the initial stage of your marketing strategy, because that is also the primary stage of the customer’s sales funnel. Corporate videos play a key role in educating the customers about product features, services, industry trends, business types, current scenario etc. They help to establish your brand as “thought leaders” and build brand equity.

Benefits of Videos over Textual Content

There’s one more reason to go for corporate videos. People perceive, grasp and react to different media, in a different way. For some, a blog, a PPT or an article is a perfect medium. While some others prefer more engaging or interactive options. As the research by Forbes Insight indicates, 59% of senior executives prefer watching a video rather than reading a text. Corporate videos deliver interesting content in compact and in an engaging way. Though the textual communication is necessary, it is important to have B2B Corporate videos to mark your presence.

Building Trust

In B2B marketing, trust always comes first. The corporate videos are a just right channel to generate the trust of your customers. Through these videos the B2B customers become aware of the manufacturing facilities of the businesses, the senior leadership, manufacturing processes, company’s vision and core values, quality control initiatives and so on. A corporate profile video is a highly credible platform to display all your brand strengths and product range.

Improves Search Engine Rankings

Your corporate video can appear in Google searches. Google indexes videos and also show them in the search results when a user searches with a relevant keyword. In-fact Search Engines & Social Media platforms “like” video content and videos are often part of the SERPs.

Corporate Videos Improve Conversions

A research suggests that, a landing page with a video can have 80% higher chances of conversion than an ordinary page. If script, anchor & the message in the video is convincing, it encourages the buying decision and leads to conversion. Simply reading the text might not result into buying.

Corporate Video Adds Value

Most people have their inboxes full of emails, which are mostly ignored & lie there unopened. A video makes the difference. Make an interesting video, put the word ‘video’ in your subject line and mail it. You will be amazed at the results. Corporate Video in an email increases leads and captures the attention of the viewer. Its recall value is also greater than the written content.

Corporate Videos Propagate through Social Media

Social Media love videos, in-fact Social Media is driven by videos. When you put a corporate video of your company on Social Media, it propagates through the fabric of Social Media. The viral videos expand your visibility and your brand is viewed by a larger audience. Statistics says that 86% of the businesses use video as a marketing tool. Also, 94% of those who have done video marketing, say that this has helped the audience to understand their products and services better.

Pre-Requisites of Making a Good Corporate Video Strategy

Understanding the B2B Audience Persona

Be acquainted with the journey of your potential buyer. Create a Corporate Video Marketing Strategy that takes into account your target audience, their aspirations, needs, queries and goals. Your content should be strong and persuasive enough, to convince the buyers to make their buying decisions. Communicating your core values to prospective customers is a good idea, because the B2B strategy directs the top leadership and major decision makers.

Create a format or a storyboard for your B2B Video

First let us understand what a storyboard is. It is a B2B video marketing strategy that consists of all the audio-visual data of your corporate video. It is a flow that facilitates smooth presentation and understanding of the concept of the video. The basic structure of the storyboard is as follows,

Introduce your Business

Introduction is the opening part of the “Corporate Video” that captures the viewer’s attention at the very beginning. A good intro is the one that engages them and encourages them to explore further. Make the intro of your corporate video, interesting and curiosity arousing.

Focus on the Problem

While creating the Corporate Video, you should focus on the pain area of your target audience. Every viewer is looking for a solution to a problem. You should look at the viewer’s problem from three sixty-degree point of view. Your problem statement should include the challenges, obstacles and difficulties faced by the client.

Focus on the Solution

Once you have captured the attention of the viewers and proven that you have genuinely understood their problem, it is the time for the solution. A good corporate video strategy should show how the services and products are the right solution for their problem. This step involves detailed presentation.

Call to action

The corporate video should end with a Call to action (CTA) that leads to a response or action. A CTA usually consists of the content that covers a creative advertising message or a sales oriented script, which suggests an audience to make a decision and take desired action like call.

Various Types of Corporate Videos

Explanatory/Explainer Videos

Explanatory videos inform, explain or instruct on the working of a product. They showcase its features and details. These type of corporate videos can be short or long. The main objective of any explainer video is to solve the customer’s problem or query, inform him about the product and the reasons to buy it. The video leads to the buying decision. The language of this type of video is direct, simple and convincing.


Commercials are a creative blend of concept, visuals, narrative and call to action. These videos are brief, engaging and interesting. They present company’s vision, philosophy and strengths in a crisp and dynamic manner. The advertisements you love to watch on TV, YouTube and streaming services are the Commercials. They aim to increase your brand, product or service’s reach, create response and lead to results. They are short, memorable and have a great recall value. Put a Commercial on your website. Or air it via paid advertising on TV or other channels.

Example of a “Commercial” Corporate Video

A “Commercial” created by WDSOFT for a HealthOrgOil

Live Webinars

Through Live Webinars, you can showcase your expertise to a larger audience. In these kind of Corporate Videos a specific topic is presented. Questions are accepted from a live audience. The Live Webinars create a chance for your customer base, associates or stakeholders, to watch and interact with you on a larger platform. A recorded Webinar can be made available to those who cannot attend. Live Webinar adds value to your content marketing strategy and reinforces your position as an industry leader.

Vlogs [Video Blog/Video Log]

Vlog means a combination of video and blogging. A vlog is creative and visually appealing way to present your content in a budget-friendly and user-friendly way. A vlog is short in length and requires very affordable production cost. An expert in the subject presents his topic with suitable examples and demonstrations. The vlogs include how to videos, product demos, behind the scene glimpses, small explainer videos, interviews etc. You can put vlogs on your official blog or share it on social media. In these kind of corporate videos the vlogger publishes video content regularly across all platforms.

Thought Leadership Videos

Thought leadership videos can be very inspiring and enriching. They include a top leader in the company or a thought leader from a certain area such as Marketing, R&D, Operations, HR etc. Thought Leadership Videos offer a perspective, insights or advice on a subject or an innovative idea. Made with an inspiring and knowledgeable resource, this video drives home your point and makes you stand out as an industry leader.

Company Profile Video

A company profile video is short to medium in length. It gives an overview of your company. The video covers topics such as the company history in brief, its vision, mission, infrastructure, product range, core values, team and future plans. They also indicate how your products or services solve the customer’s problem. You can choose the style of your company profile video. You can showcase your company’s work culture. Though they are basically promotional, the company profile videos serve many purposes such as,

  • For providing training, instructions and safety norms to the employees
  • Investor presentations
  • Demonstrations of new products or services
  • Testimonials or stories by clients and existing customers
  • Complete events or event synopsis
  • Synopsis of various business events
  • Live webcasting or an event
  • Dialogue, discussion or interview with top company leaders or mentors
  • Presenting the company overview to prospective clients or customers

Examples Of Company Profile Videos

A Company Profile Video created by WDSOFT for a B2B Company “ATQ Metro”

A B2B Company Profile Video of Rakhoh Boilers, created by WDSOFT

A profile video created for an Architecture College in Pune, India.

Social Media Videos

Vlog videos fall in this category of corporate videos. Social Media has a variety of audience. For instance the audience on Facebook & Instagram can be categorized as B2C and that on LinkedIn platform, B2B. Branding videos, commercials etc. are the kind of videos that are meant for B2C audience while “Company Profile” are targeted to the B2B audience. In general, they are light, crisp, engaging and curiosity generating. The audience should feel like sharing them. They may consist of crisp and concise quotes or sound bites, lifestyle shots, a conceptual flow of scenes related to your brand offerings, short interviews or creative shots of your product.

Branding Corporate Videos [Brand Awareness Video]

Every company has its own brand story, which needs to be conveyed to the world. Branding corporate videos take this brand legacy forward. They are an integral part of a comprehensive advertising campaign. They showcase the company’s vision, mission, core values, quality policy, products and services. Corporate brand video highlights your brand promise and uniqueness. Your brand video needs to be professional, sleek, content-rich and of highest production value. Content is the king so your video content must be exceedingly well. The best way to create a great brand corporate video is to get it done from a professional branding and advertising agency.

Informative Videos

Informative video can be of two types- one is explaining and problem-solving awareness stage video. It is that video which makes the audience aware of, how your product solves the problems they are facing. The second type is consideration-stage video. It helps the audience to consider your product as the best option available in the market.

Testimonial Videos

Testimonial video is one of the most common types of corporate video. It conveys how your customers benefitted from your product or service. This corporate video highlights the results, in a very authentic and trustworthy manner. The customers directly and on-camera state why they chose your brand and how it transformed their lifestyle or added value to their life. The results are tangible, hence the testimonial videos directly lead to conversions.

Case Study Videos

A case study video undertakes a success story created by your brand. It is a very impactful tool that appeals the businesses which are looking for a good advertising and communication partner. Compared to a written case study, the video of a case study can be more personalized and hence more appealing. The case study video can consist of an interview of the client. It enhances the credibility of the Case Study Video.

Corporate Video Publishing/Distribution Platforms

YouTube is the biggest platform & video search engine so it is prudent to publish your corporate videos on YouTube. Also make sure you fill in the textual content too so that the Search Engines “understand” the context of your corporate video. For B2B communication LinkedIn is an excellent platform. It is a very effective space to network, bond and take your association forward. It is observed that the LinkedIn is more effective in generating B2B leads than Facebook and Twitter. It is imperative that you choose the right video publishing platform for your content.

Corporate Video: Don’ts

  • Don’t rush into expecting instant results and immediate sell. Focus on the quality of your product or service.
  • Don’t panic but be patient and consistent. Your first goal should be lead nurturing, which in turn will boost the sell.
  • Don’t use the same message again and again in your B2B video marketing strategy. Use different and customized messages for different audiences. Personalization is very important.
  • Don’t hire unprofessional branding agency for making your corporate video. Choose the agency which has insights, expertise and experience in the field and proven track record.

We at WDSOFT have experience and expertise to make corporate videos that are exclusive and result-oriented. We have a string of prestigious customers who trust us to design their corporate video strategy.

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