Content Writing Ideas for Product Description – 2023 Insights

Content Writing Ideas for Product Description – 2023 Insights

We have often seen that eCommerce websites don’t rank well in search engines because they don’t have enough unique content for the products.

Here is an example of Bad Product Description

Here is an example of Good Product Description

Amerimark is a well know online retailer in the US, but it struggles to be listed in the first three positions, courtesy – insufficient content. This is often the case that most marketeers ignore when they are trying to sell their products online. The content associated with the product is mostly inadequate or duplicate.

We have listed a few Ideas for Writing Creative, Unique, SEO-friendly Content for Product Description.

What is it (the Product)?

Don’t jump to product description right away. Stress on “Why do you need to have the product”. Stress on the situations you might have to use the product in. Like the way they do it in the INFOMERCIALS – but you can be less melodramatic. Use simple plain style to describe the product. But do describe the product in depth.

History of the Product – Be a story-teller, most of the time a product is an improved version of an earlier one. Give references to other similar product by a different Brand, or to the earlier versions of the same product.

Design – Describe the design of the product in minute details. Like – how sturdy the built of the product is, what are the various mechanical and electrical components of the product, how durable the product is, ergonomics of the product, ease of use etc.

Ingredients – Mention the ingredients of the product if it is to be consumed like a – prescription drugs, supplements, drinks, etc.

How and Why does product work?

Give a detailed information on how the product works. For example if the product is a gadget or tool then what is the internal mechanism. Justify “Why the Product works?”. In case of a health supplement stress on the important ingredients.

How to use the product?

Give clear instructions on the recommended use of the product. For example in case of a health supplement mention about the dosage. In case of an electrical appliance that has a descriptive User Manual – have a downloadable version of the instructions handy (pdf) on the page. If the product is a cream or ointment then display the application information and regime.

What to expect?

Mention the benefits of using the product. If it is a kitchen product than how it can reduce your cooking time or how it can perform tasks of many appliances. If it is a cosmetic product, then spotlight how it can make you look more beautiful and HOW SOONER.

If the product needs to be assembled, mention the assembly instructions on the page.

Caution users against the un-prescribed use of the product. For example certain supplements are not to be consumed by a pregnant woman, certain toys are not mean for children below a specif age, some beauty products are not to be used by people allergic to its ingredients etc.

Give a brief information about the Manufacturer of the product.

Mention all relevant specifications of the product. In case of an electrical product – list the usage voltage, wattage, approvals, codes and rating standards associated with the product.

Materials Used
Write about the type of materials the product is made of.

Do not forget to include the dimensions and weight of the product.

Give clear instructions on how to use the product, how to clean/wash it. What special care needs to be taken for the product.

Product Shelf Life
Every product has a shelf life. Even though you might not know the shelf life of the the product you are selling, make efforts to read the reviews of similar products to get a fair idea about how long it lasts.

How a product is to be maintained in good condition. Even if this not part of your standard product description try to incorporate it. A few hours of research can give you a fair idea about it.

Return Policy/Warranty/Guarantee
Mention about the warranty and guarantee of the product, how it can be replaced, how much would it cost to ship to and fro etc. Be transparent with the Return Policy and reveal all the costs involved in it.

Question and Answers
Make use of the Question and Answers format to present your information. Research what are the FAQs associated with the product and try to answer those questions from the product’s perspective.

Product Comparison
Have a comparison section in the content of the product. Identify the important parameters of the product and based on these parameters compare the product with other similar products and give your VERDICT on the comparison.

The most important part of the product content is the product review. Have an expert review the product and give his UNBIASED opinion on it. Don’t try to push the product down the throat of the customer. Mention the advantages and disadvantages of the product and let him take an informed decision based upon your VERDICT.

User Generated Content
Be open to criticism, Encourage your users/customers to write their testimonials on the product. Allow them to rate the product.

Make good use of product images. Try to include images provided by real users. Explain features of the product with relevant images.

Include not only promotional videos of the product but also REVIEW videos with your comments on it.

Use relevant subheadings wherever necessary. Break the content in small paragraphs and summarize them with appropriate subheadings.

These should give you enough “TOPICS” and “IDEAS” for writing unique content for products on eCommerce sites.

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